30 Things to be Grateful For

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gratitude 2


1. having a functional body

2. having a family that cares

3. knowing that you are living in times of great change

4. having the internet and all that it provides

5. having the opportunity to work, and the means to better yourself

6. smelling the fresh air each morning, leaving the house and appreciating the green around me

7..having two hours each day, which I can devote to whatever I please

8. having twitter

9. having wikipedia

10. having wordpress


gratitude rock
11. witnessing the creativity of others on a daily basis

12. having a sweater when its cold

13. having electricity that is reliable (no brownouts, few blackouts)

14. having water that is clean and on tap

15. being able to shop for groceries almost any time of day

16. seeing the trees shake in the autumn wind

17. knowing my best friend is living in the same world as me

18. having had a long education, and the opportunity to give back now

19. having the peace of meditation

20. hearing the voices of disembodied podcasts


love and gratitude crystal
21. seeing the wonders of the animal kingdom

22. coining new language and phrases, day by day

23. laughing and smiling at the humor and art of others

24. sharing a lovely conversation with a sympathetic friend

25. asking others for assistance, and receiving a quick response

26. feeling the joy of a full belly

27. waking up from a long, dream-filled sleep

28.  knowing there are answers … out there … somewhere

29. sharing this space with you ALL



monk gratitude

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for all these things, I am deeply GRATEFUL.

I say Thanks.

blessings and peace



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12 Responses to “30 Things to be Grateful For”

  1. TreeinCally Says:

    So all True.
    Inspiring, Enlightening,
    Things that drive me.
    Thanks for making my day again,
    I consider you a genius. A GOD at that.
    Have a wicked day, mine started a few hours ago-Its all guud but even better after reading this.

  2. @YourBoy on twitter Says:

    Refreshing. I needed that posivity to get me thru the rest of the day. Positive +++++++++++++ energy to you!!!!

  3. Dragos Roua Says:

    That was inspiring, I love it. Reminds me on an older post of mine, in which I found 77 reasons to love my life.

    The real beauty is that they will never remain only 30 for gratitude or only 77 for loving your life. There will always be more. Witnessing those reasons is the greatest joy of this travel.

  4. Rinari Says:

    I am a big fan of no. 15. It’s the small things…

  5. delicate flower Says:

    Nice to see your list. I need to work on mine. It is a good idea to pause every now and then and remember to be grateful, thanks for the reminder.

  6. Claudia Says:

    I agree living in gratitude is so much better than living on the edge.

  7. ekta1007 Says:

    Awesome list !


  8. Scorpion Says:

    Living in blind gratitude is wrong. You gotta see all facets of life, negative and positive. You can’t be happy all the time, that would neglect the principle of happiness. You gotta see the bad to appreciate the good. YES, you got to appreciate the small things in life, but you can’t forget the GIGANTIC problems over them.

  9. heather Says:

    having lived thinking only of the bad in the world for so long, i have to say that living now in gratitude is so empowering. feeling grateful for all i do have, all the things i can do and all the wonders that surround me makes me a functional, and capable. living with the burdens of the world constantly upon my shoulders did not make me a better person, it made me incapable of doing anything. now i can actually make a change, do something.

  10. Robin Thomas Says:

    It is way too easy to concentrate on the negative things in life. But it is often said that even if we have no control over what happens to us, we can control our reaction to what happens. Living a life of gratitude changes our focus, causing us to only see even more things to be grateful for. Thank you for posting this list.

  11. Steven Queen Says:

    Fine site. I got a lot of good material here. I’ve been keeping an eye on this technology for some time. It’s fascinating just how it keeps changing, yet some of the core factors stay the same. Have you seen much change since Google made their most recent acquisition in the area?

  12. vance Says:

    Jah live and see every thing they do. i dont worry live your life to the fullest.JAH BLESS

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